

thoughts on Delta Loop (or Triangle Antenna or Simple Multiband Antenna or HF Delta Antenna)”

    Yuri, UB6AFC

    I have been suffering with a similar antenna, for almost a year now. Of course, not every day, but if you count, then two months out of the year. I read on the Internet about the excellent results of the Delta 80m band. I fight with it this way and that, but achieve the desired SWR, I made it from a thick field P-268 into one core. The wire is strong, light and relatively cheap. an equilateral triangle in the private sector, the mast is one -15m. The angle turned out to be about 45, as recommended. 3.680 MHz. SWR 1.8 resistance 86 ohm. I built a quarter-wave transformer from a 75 ohm cable 13.90 m long. Resonance 3.730 SWR-1.56 resistance 51 ohm, reactance + 32. good passing! Can anyone help? Has anyone already gone through this? I would be very grateful. Yuri, UB6AFC / 73 !!!

RK3DBU Post author


Hello UB6AFC!

Many people suffer all their lives with the antenna and do not get the desired result, so the year is flowers 🙂

For me, the result you described is quite good, SWR 1.8 for a multi-band HF antenna is normal.

As a next step, I would try to replace the quarter-wave transformer with a balun on ferrite rings, I liked this solution more!

Good luck to you!



It is better to feed the vertical Delta loop antenna from the lower angle using 1/4 wave two-wire line as advised by EW8AU. At the same time, it is easier to coordinate with the PK-50 or PK-75 cable of any length. The polarization is vertical, there is also radiation in the horizontal plane. Initially, the antenna must be tuned to the resonance frequency using a line (PK-50/75 cable) of a multiple half-wave with Ku. And then just turn on the two-wire line. Look for the cable switch-on point by moving the cable along the two-wire line along the SWR minimum. With this matching, it is very easy to achieve SWR-1. This is easier than using any transformers or looking for where antenna under the R. power cable. Proven in practice. The antenna works great. Good luck to everyone and 73! BEC. UN7TX.



    Good afternoon everyone. A simple option for matching a single-band vertical Delta loop antenna was proposed by EW8AU using a two-wire quarter-wave lily. At the same time, you don’t need to look for where the turn on the two-wire line and look for the matching point with the cable by moving the cable along the line. A simple way to match and you can always achieve accurate matching of the antenna with the PK-50 or PK-75 cable. Powering the antenna from the bottom corner. No need to fool around with all sorts of transformers, etc. The height of the antenna suspension does not matter, since the matching can be corrected. It works with vertical polarization, it also has a small radiation with horizontal polarization. It has been tested in practice. Good luck to everyone. 73! BEC.UN7TX


Refers to loop (frame) antennas, as well as squares. The perimeter of the antenna is approximately equal to the wavelength. Applies to all HF bands. The designs mainly differ in the antenna suspension and feed point. The efficiency of the antenna is directly related to the area (a circle is ideal, but it is difficult to achieve), so an isosceles triangle will be preferable. However, any form of antenna is allowed depending on the specific conditions.

On the low-frequency ranges, “lazy deltas” (i.e., suspended almost horizontally) are mainly used, and on the high-frequency ranges, vertical or inclined “deltas” are mainly used. Low-frequency "deltas" operate on multiple ranges due to excitation on harmonics. At the same time, the main radiation of the horizontal deltas at the “main” lower frequency is directed upwards, which is not very favorable for DX. But at higher harmonics, the petals of the diagram are pressed to the ground.

However, the properties of the "delta" are highly dependent on the specific placement and design (especially low-frequency ones), so they have a lot of conflicting reviews.


vertical deltas


The best place for the DX to feed on the delta is at the bottom corner. However, when the antenna is placed low at an upward angle, it is better to feed through the side corners. In this case, there is more radiation with vertical polarization.

Vertical delta compares favorably with dipole and GP. Compared to a dipole at the same height, a vertical delta has most of the radiation at a low angle to the horizon. Compared to the “verticals”, the delta is easier to manufacture, because. no complex system of counterweights is required.


The input impedance of the antenna depends on the feed point and ranges from 60-300 ohms. With a high input impedance, power is supplied through a matching transformer. Single-band antennas can be powered through a quarter-wave transformer (Q-matching), a quarter-wave segment of a 75-ohm cable is included between the antenna and the 50-ohm cable.


Horizontal deltas


In fact, it is square, turned into a triangle. You have to pay for saving braces with less efficiency, because. antenna area is smaller.

The 80m horizontal (lazy) delta is quite popular. It is often installed between multi-storey buildings. At 80 m, the radiation pattern is a pea, i.e. the main radiation is directed upwards. Such an antenna can be excited at even harmonics, i.e. 40, 20 and 10 m. Moreover, with increasing frequency, the lobes of the radiation pattern are pressed to the ground.

One of the main problems when setting up such an antenna is the choice of a feed point and coordination with the feeder. Most often, a broadband transformer is used as a matching device. However, it should be noted that the input impedance of the delta is highly dependent on both the power point and the location in space.

On the Internet forums for the formation of radiation with vertical polarization, the supply of the "delta" to the "lower" (from the ground) angle is mainly discussed.

or at a distance L / 4 from the "lower" point B, i.e. near the ground.

In Figures 1 and 2, at points B and D, the antinode of the current, at points A and C - the antinode of the voltage.

I immediately rejected such an antenna solution: the antenna is already installed low, and with such power supply, the main radiation occurs near the ground. In addition, the antenna should be powered as shown in Fig. 2 only from the 9th floor - after all, no one has canceled the desirability of placing the cable perpendicular to the antenna canvas, and it would be nice if the radio station was on the 9th floor.

It is known that the highest intensity of electromagnetic radiation is located near the antinode of the current: "the radiation power of a segment of the antenna wire is proportional to the square of the current in this segment", i.e. the radiation power in each segment of the antenna wire is different, the maximum is in the antinode of the current.

For the antenna shown in Fig. 1, the current antinode at point B is at the very bottom, and for the antenna in Fig. 2 it is slightly above the bottom of the antenna, which is not so bad. However, for a low-hanging delta, this option is not suitable either.

Based on these considerations, I decided to make an antenna with power supply in the upper part at a distance L / 4 from the upper point B (Fig. 3).

In fact, this is an "inverted" antenna, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3 clearly shows that the antinodes of the current (points B and D) are located at a higher height, which means that the radiation maximum occurs quite far from

ground, which is very important when the antenna height is low. In addition, this configuration facilitates an almost perpendicular cable entry to the antenna web.

With a 10-meter suspension height of the upper canvas, a good dual-band (40 and 20 m) antenna was obtained, installed

at an angle, because it is impossible to make it completely vertical at such a suspension height. The lowest point of the antenna is literally a meter from the ground, but this has practically no effect on the radiation efficiency.

It should be noted here that the locations of the current and voltage antinodes indicated in Fig. 1-3 are valid for the 40 m range antenna. In the 20 m range, 2 waves fit in the antenna, current and voltage antinodes will be 4 each, so you get complex polarization - vertically -horizontal.

The antenna sheet is made of copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm in enamel insulation. The delta is an equilateral triangle with sides of 14.34 m, the perimeter is 43.02 m. The distances between points A, B, C and D (Fig. 3) are equal and equal to 10.75 m. angle - 3.58 m. With such dimensions, the resonant frequencies of the antenna are 7040 and 14100 kHz, the antinodes of the current B and D are opposite.

If these proportions are observed, in some directions the antenna may have a certain gain. If necessary, it is convenient to shorten the lower corner, reducing the length of 3.58 m, for example, to 3.50 m. A slight inaccuracy in the location of points B and G horizontally does not lead to a noticeable deterioration in antenna performance.

The balun at the feed point had to be abandoned, because. it is subject to wind loads. Therefore, at the power point, instead of a heavy balun, 5 RF-130S ferrite "latches" are installed on the cable. For the same reason, it was necessary to abandon any coordination in the power supply unit. The shield of the cable is connected to the top of the antenna, the center wire to the bottom.

The most relevant characteristics of the antenna (impedance and SWR) were taken by the AA-ZZOM analyzer using a half-wave repeater made of a 50-ohm coaxial cable 14 m long. In the 7 MHz band, the active input impedance was 120 Ohm, in the 14 MHz band - 140 Ohm . Due to the insufficient height of the suspension, there is a reactive component of the input impedance, therefore, in the range of 7 MHz, SWR = 3.0; in the range of 14 MHz - 4.0.

In such a situation, it was decided to reduce the SWR by using a matching segment of a 75-ohm cable. Combining the connection of short sections of such a cable with a length of 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, 3.5 m equipped with cheap television connectors, after a half-wave repeater it turned out that in the 7 MHz band a cable length of 6 .9 m, in the range of 14 MHz - 3.5 m, which made it possible to obtain SWR = 1.2 in the range of 7 MHz; in the range of 14 MHz - 1.5.

As a result, it was decided to connect a segment of a 75-ohm cable 3.5 m long directly to the antenna, and already to it - a 50-ohm cable 8.6 m long (14.1 m in total). Unfortunately, due to the inaccurate choice of the length of the half-wave follower (it was determined by calculation), in the 7 MHz band, the SWR was 2.0; in the range of 14 MHz - 2.3. This is not so bad - with SWR up to 3.0, all the power goes into the antenna. Moreover, an increased SWR is available only in a cable 14 m long.

The cables are 10 mm in diameter and have a stranded center conductor. A plastic elbow about 15 cm long, cut to the diameter of the cables, is attached to the junction of the cables, which ensures the reliability of the connection under wind loads.

At the bottom, nothing prevents the installation of a current balun equipped with connectors, which will finally cut off possible common-mode currents.

In fact, the SU at 7 MHz can operate in the ranges from 1.8 to 15 MHz. The 14 MHz control system uses a 6 mm diameter copper tube coil (1+2+4+4 turns, 11 turns in total) and can be used in the 7-29 MHz bands.

If instead of the last 4 turns, wind 8 (there will be 15 turns in total), then, in principle, the control system will work starting from 3.5 MHz, and possibly from 1.8 MHz (should be checked in practice). Due to the ease of manufacture, I made 3 such SUs. As a result, after the matching devices, the frequency band without the reactive component was 400 kHz on the 40-meter band and 380 kHz on the 20-meter band.

This matching was done in order to reduce the losses in the 50-meter coaxial cable as much as possible, which is connected to the second antenna switch. There are 20 ferrite "latches" installed in two places on this cable. The SWR in a long cable connected to the output of the matching device is about one. Matching devices on lumped elements can be completely replaced with additional segments of a 75-ohm cable, the lengths of which will have to be selected.

The antenna can be simplified if it works on one band. In this embodiment, the length of the 75-ohm cable segment connected to the antenna web is 3.5 m in the 14 MHz band and about 7 m in the 7 MHz band. The matching device can be installed in the radio station or do without it.

There is another option: power the antenna only with a 75-ohm cable (for example, PK75-4-11). This is how it was used in the field with a half-wave repeater (about 28 m) and a 9-band switch. In September 2013, Sergey, RW9UTK, and I worked in the field from a relatively rare KE-21 RDA region. The antenna operated on two bands and was mounted at a height of 12 meters on two fiberglass pipes. The antenna worked perfectly - at other times we learned what a pile-up is.

There, in the field, the AA-33OM analyzer measured some characteristics of the antenna, which, due to the higher suspension, turned out to be noticeably better than the antenna installed at a 10-meter height. In the 40m range, there was no reactive component at all, Rin = 141 Ohm, SWR = 1.91, band in terms of SWR = 2.0 - 80 kHz, in terms of SWR = 3.0 - 300 kHz, active resistance remains in the band 800 ( !) kHz. In the range of 20 m, the reactive component was also absent, Rin = 194 Ohm, SWR = 2.56, the band according to the SWR level = 3 - 620 (!) kHz, the active resistance is stored in the band of 630 (!) kHz.

Coordination was carried out using a self-made control system, to which a 75-ohm cable was connected. The use of a matching device made it possible to obtain SWR = 1.0 on both ranges in a 50-ohm cable connecting the control system with the transceiver.

A wide band of operating frequencies without reactance is a remarkable property of closed antennas. There is no need to rebuild the control system within the amateur range - it is enough to adjust it at one point. In this case, the SU can be quite far from the transceiver.

In the field, we used the P-274 field double wire as an antenna sheet. This wire in polyethylene insulation has a certain shortening factor, so the perimeter of the antenna turned out to be somewhat smaller, despite the greater suspension height than at home, and amounted to 42.70 m.

There was also an equilateral triangle with a side of 14.23 m. The distances between points A, B, C and D are also equal and are 10.67 m each. The distance from the power supply unit to the upper corner is 3.56 m.

Some problems arose with the balun, which is part of the universal line: plastic circles from the pyramid toy were used to move the antenna web, and the balun slightly shifted down from the projected point (3.56 m from the top). Despite this, the antenna worked just fine, because. on 12-meter pipes, it was installed almost vertically.

It is planned to move the balun to the beginning of the line, providing it with connectors. to maintain protection against common mode currents. In addition, ferrite “latches” can be put on a cable lying on the grass or passed several times through a ferrite ring - a cable with a diameter of 7 mm allows this.

It is also planned to test the antenna in the field, but already at a height of 16 m, fiberglass masts will be used again. The antenna will be installed vertically. I'll let you know the test results.


